Wednesday, August 6, 2008;

hhahs!! back to blog again after ten years.. lols.. wans to find a job.. =[[ arghs!!! no money no life.. dear kip on pick on bear bear.. he likes to bully bear bear.. ANGRY!!!!!!!!!!! bear bear so innocent.. even through bear bear is abit noisy.. i mean very noisy.. but in sum ways he's really cute.. hhahs.. just tat he bark too loud.. but bear bear rocks!!! mwachhs. dear tinks tat i dun show him enuff love.. love is not by showing but by feeling it.. i have already tried my best to make him feel it.. maybe i didnt do enuff or.. i dunno.. but i noe i really love him.. just like i never do before.. he make me feel tat i am myself when i'm with him.. its tat kind of special feeling.. hhahs.. you never noe how powerful it is.. so powerful tat it catches my heart.. although there are times we quarrel or argue.. but love exists of up and down.. laughters and cries.. and sumtime a quarrel can make a relationships grows closer.. quarrel is all about different opinion.. and tats when we voice out our opinion.. and when i lose to his reason i will start running away hoping he will hold my hand tight.. hoping he will say sorry even though he noes i'm in the wrong.. hoping he will hug me tight to ensure me tat everytinks ok.. of cos dear always hold me to stop me.. but i tink he must be tinking i'm unreasonble.. even though i abit unreasonable.. lols.. but i noe i really treasure tis relationship.. dear dear woaini.. =]]

fakeasmile@1:47 AM

The Gal In Love
> Geraldine Lee
> 17
> Attached
> Hyperactive
> Love him.. Mr Chang Yongli

Its was never easy to be in love,
however, i got myself in love.
Obstacles after obstacles,
We made it through for months.
Tears and cries were nothin anymore,
To and extend, pain overcome pain.
Have some trust for me,
For i always have tat in you..
i love you baby.

> Nothing
> To forgive and forget

October 2007
November 2007
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
December 2008