Wednesday, May 28, 2008;

(i simply loves him..)
here to update my blog. so long din update le. lols. was very busy tis few days. =]] not much tinkhappen recently acctually. was tat i found out i love dear more and more each day. i cant imagine the day without him. he's working wit joel now and i'm working wit joel's gf now. lols. but we still mit up everyday. enjoy and happy wit my life now. even though i dun really have much time to accompany dear. den during i kip on magma shoot on dear. but he didnt blame me or get angry wit me. a perfect bf. thanks dear. i love you. =]] Tomolo going wit dear to make his posb tink den aftertat he acompany me go couselling. wenfu today book out den he ton at wenfu house. but he lend me his psp. hhahs!!! he's so wei da to lend me his psp. missed him loads. i caught myself smiling to myself for no reason, den i realize i was tinking about him.. dear. really thanks for all your romances and everytink. no matter wad i do you will never lose your temper on me. thanks for all your patients on me. you let me noe how much you actually meant to me. how much i fear losing you. you're so important to me. so important tat i can exchange my life for yours. dun ever leave me. i nid you. i swear you're going to be my last. the first guy tat i found true happiness. you're my fren my family my bf and my husband. gtg. loves and misses. Geraldine Lee love Chang YongLi. be mine forever.. =]]

fakeasmile@12:25 AM

Sunday, May 18, 2008;

Geraldine Lee love Chang YongLi

today went out wit dear and his fren. den celebrated our first month. lols. went juntion 8 to watch ironman. was very nice. hhahs. good story line. mayb you guys should watch it. lols. worth watching. watch movie le slack awhile den go home. lols. den dear send me a msg. ok. tat msg makes me cant sleep for 3 days 3 night. its simply sweet lo. love him. hhahs. just now online den i realize tat joel and his gf date is 180508. lols. all on 18 de lo. wenfu and his gf same as me and dear. hhahs. liddat must see who last longer liaos lo. hhahs. so boring now. nothing to so. missing dear. forgotten to bring his psp today. lols. not purposely de. the more i remind myelf the more i will forget. strange tink. waiting for tomolo so i can go mit dear. lols. but the thought of walking to his house makes me feel insane. so hot and the route is like never ending one. i wonder how he can tahan. lols. mayb i should bring a umbrella along. hhahs. or mayb i should ask him come pick me up at the bus stop. but i not so bad. ji wei da lo. tomolo mitting ying hong dey all. watch movie agn. should be ba. from wad i have heard la. lols. summore vivo. damn far. ''if i can fly'' tats would be so great. yea. in a thousand yrs. dream on. lols. orh ya. i ate pepper lunch today. its so nice. ok guys gtg le. orh ya. wait.. forgotten to say i love you dear. mwachs. ok i gtg le. orhs ya. wait.. forgotten to say i miss you loads dear. huggs. ok gtg le. orh yah. wait.. one llast tink. i'm really going. hhahs. loves and misses. dear, goodnight. you're missed and loved by miss Geraldine Lee. i loves you. now and forever. =]]

fakeasmile@2:46 AM

Taken at Mother' day..

(my baobei erzi torture by dear. =[)(Whole family.. =]])
(i love dem loads..)
(daddy, mummy. i love you..)

fakeasmile@2:14 AM

Thursday, May 15, 2008;

hmm. back to update my blog. quite alot of tinks happen. hhahs. tat day dear came to my house to celebrate mother day. He was so shy at first. dun dare to tok. (but i tink he's just trying to act decent) lols!! mummy gave him alot of food. its like his food is all upsize de lo. and the funny tink is tat he full and yet he doesn't dare to stop mummy from adding food into his plate. awhile after dinner we cut the cake and obviously we ate the cake. and the last piece of cake was also being stuff into dear stomuch. hhahs. we took sum foto before tat. whole family. happy family. =]] enjoy~ aftertat we went to mit joel for awhile den i go home agn le. den the mext day acc dear to his ah ma house to eat. but went his house before tat. den his uncle send us back to sembawang. his car is like. so ARGH!!!! damn chio lo. we go down from the car everyone eyes is like green one lo. jealousy.. hhahs. omG!!! a car not much different from a transformer. lols!!! dear and me de dream car. lols!!! nono. not dream is future car. lols!!! dear also adopt bear bear liaos. bear was like hell at first. but aftertat he learn guai abit liaos. the worst tink abt bear is he's always trying to aim my baobei erzi. brown brown is still the best. hhahs!!! few days ago also got acc dear go his former skool. graduation day. lols. den aftertat go liquid kitchen to eat wit his frens. den play 5 10 wit sky. he con me one. fcuk. scam me drink. but dey are all nice people. hhahs. den go home aftertat le. next week dear go work wit joel le. lets hope nth happen to joel. den i also going back zenith le. hhahs. but will be miting dear at 6pm after work. boring la. so before he go work faster mit him more. summore dunno when he's going army le lo. but den i will take the chance, when he go army i go learn sum skill. earn money. hhahs. 2 yrs pass very easily one. lols. he gonna be botak. tats very good. lalalas. at least a sense of secure. lols! he's the first guy i will wait even if he go army. dun say 2 yrs. even if it take 4 yrs i will still be there waitin for him. ji wei da lo.(i noe i noe thanks you) =]] and the first guy i wont mind him being botak instead i wish him to be botak. lols. the first guy tat makes me feel tat there's still a long journey for us. the first guy tat i took home. the first guy tat i feel very proud of. the first guy tat i dun mind eating grass wit him. the first guy tat i dun mind clearing shit for him. hhahs!! and the most important tink is he gonna be the last.

sweet phrases
A girl asks the boy that loves her, "If someone kills me and I die, will you come to my funeral?"And the boy answers, "No... I'd be in jail for killing the person who hurt you."'This is true love'

fakeasmile@12:10 AM

Sadded Story

There was once a guy who was very much in love with a girl. He folded 1,000 pieces of paper cranes as a gift to her. Although at that time he was just a small fry in his company and his future didn't seem too bright he was contented with what he had.. for he was in love.. and they were both happy together..
Until one day, this girl told him she was going to leave the country for Paris and try to live a new life there with no intention of returning back. She also told him that she cannot visualize any future for both of them because he was poor and he had no dreams. He couldn't believe what he just heard and couldn't help but cry.
She was his dream, his love, his friend.. she was his everything..Just when he thought he had it all he gets to experience the true side of the world.. with all it's misery in it..But love is being able to accept the truth no matter how it hurts.. She broke his heart and yet he still loves her..
Days have passed, months have gone by and yet his feelings for her has always stayed the same.. He worked hard night and day to put his mind off the past.. He wanted to prove her wrong about the fact that he has no dreams.. he can be somebody someday..

Finally with all the hard work and help from his friends, he was able to build his own company..One rainy day, while he was driving along the highway, he saw an old couple sharing an umbrella in the rain while heading to some destination. It didn't take him a while to recognise them for they seemed familiar to him.. they were his girl's parents..He drove back to them.. slowly.. to show them how his life has changed. how successful he has become.. he's got his own car, house, company.. he's got it all..
But what he saw next confused him. The couple were heading to a cemmetery. Out of impulse he went out of the car and followed them. She was there.. his heart pounded so fast for he couldn't believe what he was seeing.. He felt the warmth of his tears thrickling down his cheeks.. He was crying in the rain..He saw his girl's photograph smiling sweetly at him.. from her tombstone.. next to the paper cranes he once gave her.
Her parents felt his presence and looked back at him. Out of confusion he asked them why.. and how did all this happend..She did not leave for Paris for she was ill with cancer, it was her cliché. She believed that he will make it someday and she didn't want to be his obstacle. All she ever wanted was to be with him.. but she chose to leave him to spare him from her suffering and frustrations..Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to,doesn't mean they don't love you at all.
She wanted her parents to put his paper cranes beside her, because, if the day comes when fate brings him near to her again... he will remember how much she loved him and how much he meant to her...
Once you have loved someone, you will always love her.. forever. For what's in your mind and heart will remain forever.He cried in silence and whispered... "I thought I almost had it all.. now i know what was missing.. you.."

fakeasmile@12:00 AM

Saturday, May 3, 2008;

boring now. so came to update blog. lols. today when to mit dear and joel wenfu. den go bugis le. den they went to eat pastamania they monment they reach becos dear was hungry. he's always hungry. hhahs. den at bugis saw that fcuker wee seng. den cor gal ask wad she wanna do den she ask me cor john. den john wan me let him go. argh!!! finally can find till him liaos den let him go off so easily. nvm. dun tok about it. den we went bugis street liaos. was so hot inside. like the suana. after the suana den we go the wad square. suddenly forget. den walk inside like retard. after tat den we go joel condo there slack den go wenfu house see him and joel play x box. both look no different from a retard. hhahs!! like its the first time they play a x box. damn funny. exspecially their reaction. lols. den i went home liaos. dear tonning at wenfu house. miss him tis kind. cannot, have to go sleep early so tat tomolo morning the moment i wake up i straight away go find him den can see him liaos. lols. its zoe birthday today. just drop her a msg. hhahs. such a wuxim fren i am. hhahs!! gtg. loves...

fakeasmile@12:13 AM

The Gal In Love
> Geraldine Lee
> 17
> Attached
> Hyperactive
> Love him.. Mr Chang Yongli

Its was never easy to be in love,
however, i got myself in love.
Obstacles after obstacles,
We made it through for months.
Tears and cries were nothin anymore,
To and extend, pain overcome pain.
Have some trust for me,
For i always have tat in you..
i love you baby.

> Nothing
> To forgive and forget

October 2007
November 2007
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
December 2008