Sunday, April 27, 2008;

so long din blog le. hhahs. ji miss dear de lo. wahslao. kip on liddat realli buay tahan la. cannot resisted his temptation. hhahs. so long din mit gal liaos. she must be missing me till siao de. hais. bo bian too cute for her to dun miss me. hor gal? hhahs!! feel so full after eating hokkien mee wit dear. he damn kua zhang eat hokkien mee and kuay tiao. like brown liddat. so greedy. but still so skinny. boring lo. wan sleep but cant sleep. waiting for zoe to help me edit pic. ji nice lo she. so good help me edit. love her la. fcuk leis. so miss tat pig now. dunno he gimme eat wad poison. cannot stop missing him. haiyo. he so cute so sweet so good so romantic so caring... etc.... cannot say finish. dear, must last long hor. and dun everytime bully me la. i so kelian de leis. you say 1 i dun care say 2 just dare say 0 onli. hais. why kip on bully me. people so love you den you liddat. bad lo you. everytime bully me i still so love you. be your 24hrs good gf. so good de gf where to find. so love you. wont bully you de. wont shout at you de. still da bao breadfast for you. dunno why i so wei da. hhahs!!! like you mehs? say will cum sembawang find me. i wait 100 yrs also dun have ars. chicken tok. @@!$!@$!$E#$@%#$^ hmph~~~~~~ =p

fakeasmile@11:42 PM

Wednesday, April 23, 2008;

I don't change my mind very often, and I can't change the decisions my heart makes at all.

I love my name - just because of how you say it.
I love the way you stare at me when you think I'm not looking.
I love the way you lean in close whenever I tell you something, even though we both know you heard me.
I love the sweet things you say to me, even when I'm screaming at you.
I love how you love me - and aren't afraid to show it.
I love how you make me want to be a better person than I ever thought I could be.
But mostly, I love you. All the good things, all the bad, all the mistakes, all the surprises, all the imperfections, all of it...just because they're yours.
i left out my frens becos i nid you.
i skip classes becos i nid you.
i do everytink just for you.
when i say i love you, i mean it.

fakeasmile@1:39 AM

Thursday, April 17, 2008;

its all too late to say tis.

dear, if i can give you sumtink i would give you the ability to be in my shoes so tat you can noe how special you are to me. i nid you not becos i love you. but i love you becos i nid you. i cant promise you i can solved all your problem but i can promise you tat you wont have to face it alone. if one day i'm the one leaving its not becos i stopped leaving you but becos you stopped loving me. to the world you may be one person but to me, you're the world.there's one tink you will never remember and i will never forget. tats how you made me be your gal and made me yours. thanks for everytink.

i put all tis in my friendster just to let him noe. and he didnt have the chance to see tis. everytink ended wit you saying goodbye.

fakeasmile@12:08 PM

Monday, April 14, 2008;

Things That A Perfect Guy Would Do

1. Known how to make you smile when you are down.
2. Try to secretly smell your hair, but you always notice.
3. Stick up for you, but still respect your independence.
4. Give you the remote control during the game.
5. Come up behind you and put his arms around you.
6. Play with your hair.
7. His hand would always find your hand.
8. Be cute when he really wants something.
9. Offer you plenty of massages.
10. Dance with you, even if he feels like a dork.
11. Never run out of love.
12. Be funny, but know when to be serious.
13. Realize he's being funny when he needs to be serious.
14. Be patient when you take forever to get ready.
15. React so cutely when you hit him and it acutally hurts.
16. Smile a lot.
17. Plans a romantic date full of things he wouldn't normally do because he knows it means a lot to you.
18. Appreciate you.
19. Help others out.
20 Drive five hours just to see you for one.
21. Always gives you a kiss when you leave, even when his friends are watching.
22. Sing, even if he can't.
23. Have a creative sense of humor.
24. Stare at you.
25. Call for no reason.

fakeasmile@10:29 AM

Thursday, April 10, 2008;

finally, finally i can be back myself. after so much tinks. money is important but money cant buy loves. if you have a choice will you choose money or loves? you will choose money in the first place but aftertat you will find out tat you still nid love. money isnt sumtink tat can buy loves. A guy wit a motor but he loves you and you loves him, a guy wit a car but you dun loves him but he loves you. i will choose the guy wit motor. becos i loves him. my fren told me sumtink today. totally make sense lo.

sumone who loves you
will say tat you look beautiful even when you
have food all over your face.
he will lend you his shoulder when you nid
a shoulder to cry on.
He will appear rite in your face when you nid him
he says a thousand word just to put a smile on
your face.
even when you got him angry he still put a smile on
his face.
He gives you susprises and romances just to see
a smile on your face.
wad a woman wans her guy to be
To give her the world when she wans it
to let her lose her temper when she feeling down
hold her hand and give her a kiss when she's quiet
to tell her you love her when the whole world turn
their back on her.
to let her noe how much she meant to you when she felt
tat she's nth to you
to hug her tight when she say she wans to go.
wad a guy wans her woman to be
to let him noe when he stand in your heart
to let him noe you make him your last and you
mean it.
to let him noe you love him more den anytink else in the
to let him noe you care alot about him
give him a kiss when he bring a smile to your face
hug him tight and never let go
tell him his important and you nid him
hold his hand look in his eyes and say i love you
listen to him even when you tink its all craps.
when a gal cry she tink tat you dun nid her anymore.
when a guy crys he's realli hurt.
dear i miss you.>

fakeasmile@1:15 AM

Sunday, April 6, 2008;

me and dear. =]

help ah jie dye her hair today. its nice ok. thanks to my skills. hhahs. aftertat went to prepare, was stuck preparing for 2 hours. my mascara was damn difficult to do lo. hhahs. den reach dear house at about 5pm. was late. hhahs. sorry wors dear. i admit i'm abit slow in everytink i do. lols. have to tahan tis abit la. den watch cd at his house. was nice leis the show. lols. aftertat fall asleep le. den dear suddenly ask me am i happy being wit him. of cos i am. but i can sense tat you are not happy being wit me. i dun wanna be selfish tats yy i told you if breaking up can make you happier, i let you go. i can have 1000 reasons to make you stay. but i wan you to be happy my dear. sumhow. i wanna hold his hand but i'm afraid he will take my hand away. i wanna hug him but i'm afraid he will push me away. i wanna let the whole world noe i loves him. but i dun have the courage. dear. no matter wad. i just wanna let you noe i really loves you alot. and also, thanks for being mine. =]]

fakeasmile@12:03 PM

Saturday, April 5, 2008;

back to bloggin after quite some time. was damn busy tis week. tat i dun even have time to acc dear. people once told me, nth will fade a strong loves. ya mayb it apply to sum other people but not me. been thinking. do i realy fail as a gf? i dunno how to be a role of a gf. i put myself completely into the relationship. i wan him to be my last. but i'm lettin him slips away day by day without me realising it.i hate to let him angry, i hate to let him sad, i hate to see him worried but i did it all. dear i'm sorry i din did my role as a gf, i failed as a gf. but i'm learning. learning how to be your perfect gal. i'm sorry. but dun ever doubt my love for you. i loves you.

fakeasmile@12:31 PM

The Gal In Love
> Geraldine Lee
> 17
> Attached
> Hyperactive
> Love him.. Mr Chang Yongli

Its was never easy to be in love,
however, i got myself in love.
Obstacles after obstacles,
We made it through for months.
Tears and cries were nothin anymore,
To and extend, pain overcome pain.
Have some trust for me,
For i always have tat in you..
i love you baby.

> Nothing
> To forgive and forget

October 2007
November 2007
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
December 2008