Thursday, March 27, 2008;

hais. tis mornin had some misunderstanding wit dear. he said i dun care about him. the fact is i'm sleepin lo. den my body wake up but my brain haven wake up. due to not enuff sleep i gave dear some attitude. hais. summore i'm the one at fault but he kip saying sory to me. good bf ehs? no matter i'm rite or wrong he still say sorry to me. anyway, dear i dun mean to attitude you de. den ytd also liddat. i was damn tired den mayb my voice or wadever was abit strange ba. dear tot i was angry about him. i'm realli sorry dear. i loves you. dun feel tat you are not a good bf. becos to me, you're perfect. tats why i cant find anytink bad about you. also, i loves the way you are.

fakeasmile@2:57 PM

Tuesday, March 25, 2008;

when i miss him..
went to mit joel in the afternoon. he bought along a fren. erm. i dunno his name yet. hhahs. we went to bishan slack. very boring lo. went to play tekken and i lost i lost to a guy. argh!!! angry. aftertat went couselling. hhahs. valerie said i have change totally after three months. lols. happy to hear tat. lols. den went to mit wilson and gal. hhahs. ate kfc. nice. yum yum. expensive also. overall still happy. hhahs. ah di told me he reject a lot of gal cos of me. wahs. tat very wei da. but the past can never be the future. seriously i dun feel secure when i'm wit him. lols. 没有安全感. dunno yy. hhahs. dear tis friday book out le. but i cant mit him. i got nite class. hhahs. heh. very miss him. promise i will be serious wit him. hhahs. he's worth my love. yea.. loves you loads dear.

fakeasmile@11:52 PM

taken tis at bishan, eating tako balls. nice!
did tis during lesson. hhahs
i miss ah dear.
hais. so boring. went to mit gal at around 5 plus. aftertat wilson drive us to bishan. we bought a lot of food. nice nice. tako ball!!! damn delicious leis. after eating went for our lesson but it was raining so heavily tat we cant walk to school. so no choice. have to wait for the rain to stop. hhahs. in the end kuan ann help us pay for the cab fare. real nice yea? thanks fren! hhahs. the lesson was so boring lo. BORING msg ah dear in class. hhahs. missed him damn loads. too bad la he in camp. sadded lo. I WANNA SEE HIM NOW ah dear, i realli miss you alot leis. hais. faster cum out leis. sadded..........

fakeasmile@1:35 AM

Monday, March 24, 2008;

hhahs. look at that pic. She desporate for the toilet. lols. hanging at home nth to do. waitin for gal to wake up. hhahs. today gonna be english lesson. damn boring de lo. hhahs. wahs. he cant cum out on friday have to wait for saturday. one day passes like one yr. fuck it. lols. dunno wad kuan ann tinking agn. evrytime xiang tai duo de. lols. mental problem. gtg cook maggie. hhahs. bye!! mwachs.

fakeasmile@2:14 PM

Sunday, March 23, 2008;

came back to blog after so many days. hhahs. finally registered my n level le. hhahs. anyway i missed him. he will be booking in today but cant see him. baking. argh!!! lookin forward to next saturday. missed the warmth in his hand. misses and loves my dear.

fakeasmile@4:28 PM

Thursday, March 20, 2008;

i give up.

fakeasmile@11:52 PM

Saturday, March 15, 2008;

(first draft)
(second draft. look nicer?)
went sembawang just now to mit up wit marlyn den do some revision. poa was damn hard ok. totally new to the subject. dunno how to past the remainin days. after revision we went to play rf4. my skill drop so much man. wtf!!!

after walking round and round of sembawang we went to mac to have a sit. saw renata aftertat. she told us about her trouble. the man is like so fuck up. such a simple minded gal he doesnt noe how to cherish. he should fuck off from tis world mayb. heartless. he doesnt have the look to have another as nice as renata, doesnt he noe tat? to guy they just take relationship as cum and go. they never noe how we feel. they tend to take love for granted.

went to eat cavana aftertat. gal's treat. hehes. thanks alot gal. loves ya! after eating there sum dark soya sauce. so i went and ''draw'' on the plate. hhahs. just leaving it there and we left. i wan the whole world to noe how much i loves him. most importantly i wan him to noe how much i loves him. he dun feel for me anymore. he dun nid me anymore. boy, say you loves me, you may choose to lie. but pls, lie forever. thank you. i loves you.

fakeasmile@10:54 PM

Friday, March 14, 2008;

back home. went for math class, the teacher was like shit liddat. she's treating as like children. eeyer. not good de. hhahs. jiexin cute rite. lalalas. tats of cos leis. tats the reason yy i go crazy about him. he makes me wanna. arhg!!! missed him loads agn. must find another valid reason to mit him agn. heh heh. gtg. mwachs.

fakeasmile@8:35 AM

Thursday, March 13, 2008;

hais. back to blog. tis is the loves made by him and me. look sweet? but it int as sweet as it look like. looks can be decieving. went poa classes today. hhahs. at least i learnt sumtink today. cos the teacher noe how to teach. lols. i missed him i missed him. haiyo. i decided tat i will wait for him. and i wait. to stand by him no matter wad happen. hhahs. gtg. wish me look luck ok? hhahs. mwachhs.

fakeasmile@8:23 AM

Wednesday, March 12, 2008;

him and me. i missed him. can anyone tell me wad to do? i missed him. i truely missed him. went petir lrt to mit him today. argh!! fell so much like hugging him. but of cos dun care. felt so much like kissing him but i dun have the courage. felt so much like telling him how much i nid him. but i dunno where to start. felt so much like lying on his shoulder. but i cant do it. felt so much like holding him tight. but my hands just cant listen. shit it. i asked him for patch. he say HE DOESNT HAVE ANY FEELIN FOR ME ANYMORE. he said it, my heart tore apart. i loves him so much and all he told me was he doesnt loves me. wtf!!! tell me wad i should do. dun tell me to give up. i wont! i will wait for you. i promise. dun dissapoint me wit your word agn. say you loves me, lie forever.

fakeasmile@1:57 PM

Monday, March 10, 2008;

does tis look like ham ham?

hhahs. back home. went nite class just now. aftertat went bishan to mit jia wei and sky. den gal and jia wei ps le. nice feelin of being ps. hhahs. sky sent me back home. so shy but wad to lo. lols!!! he's a good man. tat nite jie xin cored me agn. all the memories cum back instead its din cum back as it had nv left before. hais. how i wish he would be back to me agn. i wont ever mistreat him. but he doesnt nid me anymore. sadded. loves is all about hurt. wo ke yi pei ta qu kan xing xing. tryin my best to let him off my mind. you loves me. all your beautiful lies. i loves you. from my bottom of my heart. i missed you.

fakeasmile@11:42 PM

Saturday, March 8, 2008;

tis pic looks cute yea? hhahs. drawn tis at fragant after finished studying. wo ke yi pei ni qu kan xing xing. =]] damn bored bored bored. ah di went jb le. sadded la. hais. hope he returned back soon. hhahs. today was damn bored. no life. lookin forward to monday. =]]

fakeasmile@11:15 PM

hais. i feel so cheated. tat day jie xin cor me, was realli happy about it. but sumhow i realli hope tat he had never cored me. yy is it tat when he has finally leave my life and yet now he steping back into my life. i hate him for doin tat. i hate him for giving up our love in the first place. i hate him for takin away my heart, i hate him for treatin me so good in the past. i hate everytink he did for me. afterall its becos i loves him too much. i felt so cheated.

i started my nite class already. was ok wit everytink except for the poa. it was damn damn hard lo. but i will try harder. hhahs. gonna pass n tis yr. hhahs. wait and see ya?

zack msg me. sumhow i feel tat 'm being unfair to him. but... loves cant be force. he just msg me. he said i turn his life. i din noe i can have such a great impact on sumone life. hhahs.

un my embreehla ehla ehla eh eh. hhahs. was laughing like hell wit lyn. lols. sumhow when we are together we just turn the world from rounded to square. lols. powerful ehs? gtg. i missed him.

fakeasmile@2:37 PM

The Gal In Love
> Geraldine Lee
> 17
> Attached
> Hyperactive
> Love him.. Mr Chang Yongli

Its was never easy to be in love,
however, i got myself in love.
Obstacles after obstacles,
We made it through for months.
Tears and cries were nothin anymore,
To and extend, pain overcome pain.
Have some trust for me,
For i always have tat in you..
i love you baby.

> Nothing
> To forgive and forget

October 2007
November 2007
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
December 2008