Thursday, November 22, 2007;

was a b0riin dae t0dae.. askk b ppeii me g0 backk taka take backk my m0ney.. afterttat wentt admiiralty le.. ttat h0w one dae of my liife iis beiin wastedd.. shag..

hais.. sumtiime reallii dunn0 wadd b tiinkiin leiis.. reallii feel like openiin hiis heartt andd braiin t0 see wads g0iin on iinsiide.. hadd a terriible niightmare.. dreamtt ttat b tiimer me summ0re lett me caughtt red handedd.. ii dun wan andd dun wiishedd ttaat t0 happen iin realiity.. hen haii pa.. w0 bu zhii da0 ta huii bu huii xiiang yii qiian na yang wu qiing dde lii w0 er qu.. ii dun wanna l0se hiim agaiin..

reallii tiiredd of everytink.. vexedd ab0utt everytinkk.. ab0utt w0rkkiin ab0utt l0ves.. can ii reallii put 100 percentt iin l0ve or mayb iin hiim.. orhhs my tiian wh0 can help w0 ars.. tell me wadd t0 do..

ttat stupiidd stuckk iin l0ve once agaiin.. fuckk up wiit liife.. ta zhen dde aii w0 mahhs?

fakeasmile@10:24 PM

Wednesday, November 21, 2007;

haiis.. once agaiin quitedd my j0b.. wtf!!! w0 haii da0 jie als0 wan quiitt.. shiit me man.. ii n0e she l0vedd ttat j0b.. ii'm reallii s0rriies.. ttat fuckiin rebacca tryiin t0 shiiftt all the blame t0 me.. wadd kiindd of oldd w0man iis she.. FUCK her man.. hate her la!!! reallii damn guiilty lo.. h0pe ttat pr0blem will startt iin ttat fuckiin c0mpany of hers.. att ttat tiiime she can blame n0 one.. justt herself.. iits alriight iif she can learn her miistake.. but iinsteadd she shiift the blame t0 me..

t0tt ttat ii wil be happiie w0rkkiin there.. neberr t0tt ttat ii will be s0 unhappiie tat.. makeiin a fo0l of myself beiin c0redd stupidd.. f0rgett iitt.. take iit as a less0n learn.. tiis iis a w0rkkiin s0ciiety.. ii'm n0tt liike lastt tiime whereby ii'm still a sko0l gal.. siince ii made tiis ch0iice ii g0tta put up wiit iit.. everyone justt backkstab euu.. euu neberr n0e when.. ii have t0 learn t0 be clever.. ii usedd t0 t0tt mayb iif ii'm friendly the pe0ple there will liikedd me.. ii t0tally wr0ng.. when euu triiedd t0 be friendly dey justt eatt euu up.. fuckiin w0rkkiin s0ciiety!!!
Text Color
ii'm s0riies ii lett every0ne d0wn.. ttat useless gal..

fakeasmile@11:12 PM

Sunday, November 18, 2007;

hhahs!! backk after w0rkk.. was tiime tiiredd ehhs.. yesterdae wentt t0 fiind b iin the m0rniin.. afterttat g0 f0r my w0rkk.. t0dae wake up early iin the m0rniin prepre g0 w0rkk.. tiis g0es on ii diie.. but thankks g0dd ii'm blessedd wiit a bf ttat acc0mpany me h0me after w0rkk.. aii nii w0rrs b..

wahhs.. t0hse fuckiin staff there iis reallii driiviing me nuts man.. fuckkiin pe0ple wiit theiir fuckii attitude andd theiir fuckiin face.. buay tahan ars.. aiiy0s!!!! reallii feel liik quittiin leiis.. but cann0t la.. lata fiirstt m0nth wiit b ii n0 m0ney buy tiink f0r him dden jiialett liia0s lo.. haiiy0.. w0rkkiin reallii make me n0 liife ehhs.. wadd t0 do? n0 ch0iice..

me andd andrew deyy all als0 less c0ntactt le.. th0se kiind of happiie daes diin lastt l0ng.. l0ls.. n0 fate bbas.. but lucky ii have b w0rrs.. hhahs..

speciiallly t0 hiim: b w0 zhen dde hen aii nii.. pr0miise nii ttat ii w0ntt break wiit euu anym0re le.. zhen xiin dde wan lastt l0ng l0ng wiit euu.. n0 matter iin future euu g0 army or wadd ii will waiit f0r euu dde.. dui nii dde aii bu huii c0s of tiime er change dde.. l0ve euu n0w andd f0rever.. ii swearr.. GERALDINE LEE LOVES GARU CHUA.

fakeasmile@11:46 AM

Thursday, November 15, 2007;

yea.. backk!!! hiim backk t0 my siide.. fiinally after s0 much ups andd d0wn he's fiinaly backk t0 me once agaiin.. ii pr0miise ii will treasure tiis relatii0nshiip dde.. ii will take hiim serii0usly.. h0pe he will to0 bbas.. ii dun wanna l0se hiim agaiin..

siian siiax.. everydae niid t0 w0rkk.. damn tiiredd lo.. haiis.. b0biian ehhs.. cantt liive wiithoutt tw0 tiinkks iin my liife.. one iis hiim an0ther iis m0ney.. andd of c0s my bel0vedd ba0beii erzi.. quittedd sko0liin. siign the wiithdrawer f0rm le.. ii kiina miishh sko0l dde.. the daes where by ii andd wendy create damn l0adds of tr0uble f0r the teacher.. giiviin dem nonsense.. hhahs.. n0 m0re suchh liife f0r me le.. saddedd..

w0 jue dde w0 duii ah b0ii hen bu g0ng ping.. but there's n0thiin ii can d0.. all ii wantedd iis t0 gett backk my xiin fu.. even iif ii andd hiim t0gether d0esntt mean ttat ii will l0ve hiim.. s0 h0pe ttat he can understandd bbas.. ai qiing bu neng miian qiiang.. miian qiiang shii meii y0u xiin fu dde.. w0ya0 kuaii le.. ii'm s0rriies ii'm selfiish.. fiind ur own happiiness bbas.. euu w0ntt be happiie beiin wiit me.. iin my liife there's onlii one pers0n ttat can reallii tahan my n0nsense.. he iis gary chua.. thankks b. aiinii oohs..

she's blessedd wiit a guy ttat l0ves her..

fakeasmile@11:02 PM

The Gal In Love
> Geraldine Lee
> 17
> Attached
> Hyperactive
> Love him.. Mr Chang Yongli

Its was never easy to be in love,
however, i got myself in love.
Obstacles after obstacles,
We made it through for months.
Tears and cries were nothin anymore,
To and extend, pain overcome pain.
Have some trust for me,
For i always have tat in you..
i love you baby.

> Nothing
> To forgive and forget

October 2007
November 2007
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
December 2008